Maximum Control over Cooling Energy Management

A PQT regulator module delivers sensible automation that ensures fair distribution of energy among end-users. Discover how Kamstrup’s PQT controller gives you maximum control over cooling energy management, making it possible to achieve optimal delta T and enhance operational and energy efficiency.

The Challenge of Energy Optimisation

The efficiency of cooling systems can be challenged by fluctuations in the system when the original set design parameters are not in sync with day-to-day operations. For example, when one side of the building is warmer than the other; a window or a door is left open; or the assets demand high cooling compared to other areas of the building, like data centres or offices, energy efficiency will be affected.

In these cases, the warmer area has more cooling diverted to it while the other side receives less cooling. This also causes a risk of low delta T syndrome, where pumping cooled water becomes more expensive and uses more energy. Hence, the cooling system will not run optimally if the parameters do not match the actual needs of cooling.

Figure 1: The PQT controller sits inside the Kamstrup meter, so that an additional valve to control the power, flow and temperature for cooling energy management is not required

When a building does not have optimal cooling, it becomes challenging to optimise energy use. Thus, it is important to reduce cooling workloads with sensible automation.

Sensible Automation for Operational Efficiency

A PQT controller is a regulator module that measures power, flow and temperature as data points to optimise energy consumption. This works by regulating the water flow in the network via a motorised valve connected directly to the controller and regulated by a Kamstrup cooling meter (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Cooling meter without a PQT controller (left); cooling meter with a PQT controller (right)

The PQT controller monitors the temperature difference/outlet temperature and controls the final flow. Based on this monitoring as well as specific and predetermined setpoints, it opens and regulates the valve, making it possible to achieve the desired delta T and enhance operational efficiency.

As the PQT controller uses specific setpoints, accurate data about your cooling system is essential to get the full benefits of this automated solution. Such accurate data can be obtained by Kamstrup 2-wire sensors.

Learn more about Kamstrup 2-wire sensor with temperature offset here.

The PQT controller allows you to distribute energy fairly among end-users in your cooling network and ensures the required temperature is kept stable, independent of the actual load. For instance, if a window is opened, the energy consumption of the unit will spike. However, the PQT controller can regulate the power and flow to return to the setpoints within three minutes (Figure 3). This ensures that enough cooling energy is available for the entire building.

Figure 3: Power and flow become unstable as temperature changes in the building. With a sensible automation solution, the PQT controller, both elements return to setpoints within three minutes

Communication with PQT Controller

 Kamstrup’s PQT controller is a one-box regulation and optimisation solution. Maximise your control over cooling as you configure setpoints and limits for your cooling system remotely. This also allows you to readjust existing setpoints when necessary. Configure the setpoints through the communication solutions BACnet or Modbus, or directly with the optical eye on the Kamstrup MULTICAL® cooling meter.

Learn more about Kamstrup’s smart energy valve solution here.

Connect with a Kamstrup representative at [email protected] or contact us directly at +6012-3822 230.

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