Mechanical and electrical (ME) system often appear to be out of place in a construction project as its important role is sometimes overlooked. This is what Andre Jonathan Tjokrorahardjo, Managing Director of PT Asdi Swasatya wants to fix. With the experience as an ME consultant who has handled several large-scale projects in Indonesia, Andre opines that synergy and positive collaboration between architecture and ME consultants need to be built optimally. These two fields cannot run independently if we seek to produce good buildings that are liveable, healthy and sustainable.
Collaboration between an ME consultant such as PT Asdi Swasatya and an architectural consultant is often intensive, especially for large-scale building projects because the safety plan must be taken into account properly. This means we following applicable regulations, but unfortunately local standards are often not available for such buildings. Therefore, we must refer to international regulations or standards.
Collaboration between architects and MEs is important because building functions cannot be planned by looking at the architectural or in the ME aspects separately. In fact, these two aspects must be integrated. For example, the route for evacuation in case of fire can be seen from architectural works. Levels, signs and observations that occur in the project can be seen from ME factors so that we can predict how to control smoke and pressurise a room to make the path safe. So, the collaboration is important from the safety perspective.
Managing Director PT Asdi Swasatya
Andre studied at the University of California Berkeley in the United States, then continued his master’s studies at Stanford University, majoring in Electrical Engineering. After graduating in 2007, he worked for a company in the United States before returning to Indonesia in 2010 to work at PT Asdi Swasatya. Currently, Andre is Managing Director of PT Asdi Swasatya and General Exchequer of the Ikatan Ahli Bangunan Hijau Indonesia (IABHI or Indonesian Green Building Experts Association).
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